At netISup, we understand the critical importance of protecting your business's digital assets. Our comprehensive cybersecurity solutions are designed to safeguard your data, networks, and systems from cyber threats. We offer advanced threat detection, risk assessment, and mitigation strategies. Our expert team is dedicated to staying ahead of emerging threats, providing you with peace of mind and robust protection.

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    Unified Threat Management

    Applying a single security solution to provide a variety of network security functions can save you time and administration costs while still allowing for a robust and secure network. netISup consolidates and integrates your various firewall, anti-virus, and intruder detection and prevention security services into a single platform, with simplified installation, configuration and maintenance requirements.

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    Data Leak Prevention

    In today’s mobile and interconnected world your company’s confidential data can be shared across a diversity of digital devices—from company and cloud servers, to distributed databases, desktops, laptops, USB drives and mobile tablets and phones. Identifying and keeping track of all these data pathways, their access points, and possible vulnerabilities is essential to implementing the DLP (data leak prevention) strategies that will keep your data safe and your business uncompromised.

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    Multi Factor Authentication

    Implementing an up-to-date multi-factor authentication security system can keep your network and company accounts and data safe from unauthorized access. MFA uses more than just the traditional username and password to verify your user identity for logins and other online transactions. Pass phrases, smart cards, software tokens, mobile verification and even biometrics such as fingerprint scans, are all deployed to help harden your network defenses against intruders.

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    Patch Management

    Standardized and efficiently scheduled operational procedures implemented by a coordinated team of IT professionals are essential to ensure the day-to-day security of your business network. At netISup we specialize in documenting and defining the daily administrative tasks suited to your network, and providing these as guided procedures and integrated toolsets for your IT staff or via centralized task management and supervision of these mission-critical security protocols.  

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    Mobile Device Management

    MDM security software will help you manage, monitor and most importantly, keep secure, the full deployment of your company’s mobile resources. From mobile smartphones to tablets and all other mobile endpoints, whether deployed across several service providers or varied software platforms, netISup can help you implement and enforce your best practice security policies for all staff, keeping your company's mobile network secure and up-to-date. 

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    Pen Test Remediation

    Penetration testing uses today’s specialist hacking tools, including social engineering techniques, to really test your business network’s security defenses across all IT environments, from on-site to your private and public cloud, VPN and mobile networks. Finding your network’s exploitable security vulnerabilities before the hackers do, and remedying these vulnerabilities as they arise, is critical to maintaining the integrity of your network and confidential data.  

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    Business Continuity Planning (BCP) will document your whole IT infrastructure and its mission-critical services, and provide a continuity strategy in case your business needs to be rebuilt after disaster strikes. A comprehensive and effective BCP is essential to the delivery of a Backup Disaster Recovery (BDR) strategy, which should include offsite and cloud-based data backup infrastructure to keep your company’s data secure and recoverable. netISup helps you to ensure that your company is ready to fully recover from any disaster in a timely and efficient manner.

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